Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898 *using high quality domestic and imported parts
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts

Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts


Saving Money by Using Cargo Bikes

For business and commercial purposes, a cargo bike can sometimes be used instead of a car or van. Cargo bikes are human-powered pickups that are also fun and easy to ride. In some cases, businesses can completely replace cars with bikes, and other companies use them intermittently when they can. There are many benefits to consider when deciding on a cargo bike to add to your fleet of vehicles.

Cargo Bikes

  • Riding an adult trike or cargo bike is environmentally friendly. Human power is not dependent upon destroying the atmosphere. No fossil fuels go into the bike, and no chemicals come out.
  • Considering you will not need to put gas in your bike or trike, you will save money. You also do not need to get expensive insurance or repairs when things break. Of course, there are fees associated with buying riding gear, like helmets, reflective gear, and air pumps, but those costs are minuscule when compared to the costs of buying and owning a car.
  • If your shop is in a major city, you may be dealing with limited free parking. Where will you keep your car throughout the day and at night? Will you purchase a monthly parking spot, or will you park and hope to avoid tickets. Cargo bikes are easy to store in most retail locations.
  • Many consumers prefer to deal with companies that not only have a great product or service but also can provide environmentally friendly practices. Implementing cargo bikes for your business is a great way to get new business because of customers that like how a company conducts itself.

Cargo Bikes

For more information on designing custom bikes and trikes for your business, you should not hesitate to give our team a call. We make world-class bikes for all riding needs!


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